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“Browse” session details

The following averages are computed over a number of samples taken for each request during the initial single-threaded phase of the test.

For detailed information about the user activities associated with each “transaction” below, see Sessions, transactions, and requests.

Transaction Requests Bytes/transaction Seconds/transaction Request details
Browse-A-Home 33 3.0MB 6.99 See below
Browse-B-ByTitleBig20 2 1.1MB 3.92 See below
Browse-C-ByTitleBig100 1 5.6MB 26.27 See below
Browse-D-ByTitleSmall100 1 1.7MB 3.88 See below
Browse-E-SmallItem 5 45KB .16 See below
Browse-F-SmallDownload 3 49KB .15 See below

Request details

The following tables show average number of bytes and seconds per request.

Numbers in bold below are higher than most (>=1MB or >=1 second), and may warrant further investigation.

Browse-A-Home requests

Samples Bytes/request Seconds/request Path
6 44KB 1.556 /
6 8KB .002 /assets/images/dspace-logo.png
6 2KB .046 /assets/images/dspace-logo.svg
6 599KB .173 /client.js
6 74KB .056 /assets/fonts/fa-solid-900.woff2
6 1KB .050 /assets/images/favicon.ico
6 8KB .040 /assets/i18n/en.json
6 5KB .046 /0.client.js
6 6KB .040 /6.client.js
6 3KB .006 /spring-rest/api?endpointMap
6 9KB .045 /7.client.js
6 9KB .043 /8.client.js
6 12KB .040 /3.client.js
6 22KB .045 /10.client.js
6 29KB .045 /2.client.js
6 18KB .040 /9.client.js
6 7KB .044 /11.client.js
6 2KB .045 /13.client.js
6 8KB .044 /12.client.js
6 3KB .044 /14.client.js
6 10KB .045 /4.client.js
6 3KB .044 /15.client.js
6 6KB .044 /16.client.js
6 6KB .044 /17.client.js
6 31KB .045 /1.client.js
6 6KB .045 /18.client.js
6 1.0MB 1.390 /spring-rest/api/core/communities?endpointMap
6 751 bytes .016 /spring-rest/api/core/communities/search?endpointMap
6 1.0MB 1.709 /spring-rest/api/core/communities/search/top?page=0&size=5&sort=dc.title%2CASC
6 412 bytes .291 /spring-rest/api/core/communities/edb3df48-cba7-4c27-b573-50906be42a5f/logo
6 412 bytes .305 /spring-rest/api/core/communities/02f7521c-b14f-41eb-9557-c3112f932800/logo
6 412 bytes .298 /spring-rest/api/core/communities/cb26f292-e77b-496f-a125-bb00dfaa801f/logo
6 413 bytes .254 /spring-rest/api/core/communities/9bc3115a-1d35-4bce-9129-760ce1e36503/logo

Browse-B-ByTitleBig20 requests

Samples Bytes/request Seconds/request Path
6 3KB .018 /spring-rest/api/discover/browses
6 1.1MB 3.905 /spring-rest/api/discover/browses/title/items?sort=dc.title%2CASC&page=0&size=20

Browse-C-ByTitleBig100 requests

Samples Bytes/request Seconds/request Path
6 5.6MB 26.270 /spring-rest/api/discover/browses/title/items?sort=dc.title%2CASC&page=0&size=100

Browse-D-ByTitleSmall100 requests

Samples Bytes/request Seconds/request Path
6 1.7MB 3.883 /spring-rest/api/discover/browses/title/items?sort=dc.title%2CASC&page=0&size=100&startsWith=S

Browse-E-SmallItem requests

Samples Bytes/request Seconds/request Path
6 16KB .039 /spring-rest/api/core/items/e7986d5a-5db3-4d5e-b30a-d40bfe92af3b
6 9KB .096 /spring-rest/api/core/bitstreams/9f07a7f9-746a-4856-ad04-ebc4e6f30931/content
6 12KB .008 /spring-rest/api/core/collections/7dca3c38-683c-412d-87a5-4a26b74b4abe/license
6 413 bytes .015 /spring-rest/api/core/collections/7dca3c38-683c-412d-87a5-4a26b74b4abe/logo
6 6KB .004 /19.client.js

Browse-F-SmallDownload requests

Samples Bytes/request Seconds/request Path
6 3KB .022 /spring-rest/api/core/bitstreams/a9970f26-e580-4e57-9803-1ca4617dd437/content
6 43KB .117 /favicon.ico
6 3KB .015 /spring-rest/api/core/bitstreams/a9970f26-e580-4e57-9803-1ca4617dd437/content